Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Make it Count in 2011!

Get it on paper            

Take some time and write down your goals.  What is it you want to achieve?  Whether you want to increase energy, get stronger or simply be thin and feel good about your body, you NEED to get your objectives down on paper and put them in a place where you will see them every day.  In doing this, it is easier to put everything in perspective.  Have long-term goals as well as smaller goals.  For example, if your long-term goal is to complete a 10K race, your smaller goals could be run 3 miles in under 30 minutes and add upper and lower body strength to improve endurance.  Be realistic in your goals.  Consider this your own personal contract.

Get rid of the crap!

It’s impossible to say no to the fat and sugar if you’re surrounded by it.  It’s an easy solution; get rid of it.  Rid the fridge and pantry of as many processed, sugary, fatty foods as possible.  Then go grocery shopping and stick to the perimeter of the store where you’ll find lots of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats.  You’ll need a nutritious diet to keep your energy levels up for those workouts.  Plus, eating healthier will actually cause you to consume less calories    

Don’t do it alone

Get some professional assistance.  Studies show that getting help from a fitness professional increases success rate incredibly!  Sit down with someone and get informed.  You need to know what foods you should be eating and the workouts best for your particular body type.  In addition to this, don’t keep your fitness resolutions to yourself.  Spread the word!  Tell everyone that you are making some healthy changes in your life and you need their support.  The encouragement of others will motivate you immensely.  It also helps to have a friend join you in your workouts so that you can hold each other accountable.   

Stay Positive  

A lot of people don’t know this but it’s been proven to take ONLY 21 days to create a habit and 6 months to make something part of your daily life.  As soon as you see the first signs of weight loss and energy increase, it will inspire you to keep on going.  Be patient.  No one said it was going to be easy but don’t let yourself give up.    

Sample Plan:
1.      Lose weight
2.      Eat Healthy
3.      Have positive attitude

1.      Consume 1500 calories a day of healthy food
2.      Take the stairs over the elevator
3.      Walk my dog through the community 3x a week
4.      Take a Group X class with Sarah 1x a week
5.      Give up fast food
6.   Eat healthy during the week and allow myself 2 treats on weekends
7.   Limit myself to 2-3 alcoholic drinks a week

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Your Question:  

Should squats and overhead presses be done on a smith machine or a power rack? 


Either can be used effectively... it’s a matter of preference more than anything with the exception that more advanced body building and power lifting would warrant the use of the power rack system because of the non- restricted movement of the barbell throughout the range of motion.
For general strength and conditioning purposes either apparatus can be highly effective.    

A Stronger Immune System: Foods high in antioxidants

    Just how important are antioxidants? Well...they are the compounds that help protect our bodies against problems created by stress, poor diet, and environmental pollutants. They are our immune system crime fighters!  It is necessary to eat foods rich in antioxidants to obtain a strong and healthy immune system. These food items are filled with antioxidants that will help prevent illness and strengthen your immunity.


1.    Berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries) 
2.   Broccoli
3.   Tomatoes
4.   Red grapes
5.   Garlic
6.   Spinach
7.   Tea
8.   Carrots
9.   Whole grains 
10.  Roasted peanuts
11.  Spices (cloves, cinnamon, oregano)
12.  Dark chocolate
13.  Baked potatoes
14.  Beans (red, kidney, pinto, black)
15.  Red and granny smith apples 
16.  Artichoke hearts

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How- To Tame Winter Blues

As the months get colder, and the days shorter, it is common to experience changes in mood and feelings of depression and exhaustion from lack of sunlight.  Don’t let the winter blues get the best of you this year by following these 5 mood boosting tips!

 Winter tends to bring about colors associated with sadness such as, grey and blue.  Make a point to decorate your house with colors reflecting the sun.  Studies show that warm colors of red, yellow and orange, uplift the spirit and evoke happiness.  Reds encourage activity and fight depression, oranges bring joy and mend grief, and yellows inspire your mind and reduce negativity.  Use colorful accessories like pillows, candles, tablecloths, flowers, etc. to brighten up your home.  Also, use curtains rather than blinds to allow as much sunlight in as possible.

2.  2. VITAMIN D
 As the temperature’s drop, going outside is the last thing that comes to mind.  However, a little fresh air helps cure the winter blues immensely.  Layer up, grab a buddy, or the dog, and go outside for a 20-30 minute walk.  The cool, brisk air and natural sunlight will release your endorphins and give you more energy throughout the day.  This will also help prevent headaches and overeating, symptoms associated with winter depression.  In the winter months, taking Vitamin D each morning can help enhance your mood as well.

      3. EXERCISE
It’s tough finding the motivation to get a workout in when all you feel like doing is bundling up by the fire and eating Christmas cookies.  But trust me; exercise is vital for fighting off the winter blues.  According to health experts, “moderate exercisers show lowered blood-pressure levels and a resultant positive mood.” Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise, three or four times a week, will make you happier this winter. Brisk walking, swimming, lifting weights, and bicycling - all achieve good results.

4.    4. EAT HEALTHY
 We all love a good cup of hot chocolate and some comfort food in those colder months but the key is MODERATION.  What you eat has a large effect on you energy level and mood.  However, during the winter, nutrition is that much more important.  Drink lots of water (8 cups) throughout the day and try staying clear of refined and processed foods (white breads, rice, sugar) that only worsen your mood and cause exhaustion.  Aim to incorporate complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread, brown rice, veggies, and fruit) that will provide your body and mind with nutrients and ultimately give you more energy.

 With the daily stresses that consume us, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  If you can make the time, yoga is a great way to calm your mind and get your blood flowing.  Our bodies tend to stiffen up in the winter, causing soreness and joint pain, which is why stretching is important.  Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night, keeping your bedtime and waking time consistent.  Though it is tempting during the dark and cold months, refrain from over sleeping because it will only make you more tired.  Instead, take a 30 minute nap in the afternoon to re-energize. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Don’t Let Age Slow Your Metabolism: Here’s how…

Don’t you just hate those people who can devour a pint of ice-cream and all the fried food they desire without an ounce of remorse...or weight gain?  It’s not fair that some of us have to feel guilty about ordering desert, or the less healthy option from time to time, just because our body can’t handle it.  With these tips for improving your metabolic heart rate with age, you won’t have to reminisce about your teenage glory days any longer! 

       1.  EAT

A lot of people think that a drastic cut in calories will help them lose weight, but the truth of the matter is: Deprivation does NOT work and neither do complicated diets.  Skipping meals will get you two things: a bigger pair of pants and a permanently slow metabolism.  Studies show that those who ate 5 small meals a day were incredibly thinner than those who ate 2-3 medium/large meals.  And by the way, I know mornings can be extremely rushed but breakfast is HUGE.  Feed your body the best possible stuff like protein (lean meats), fruits and veggies, and whole grains.  They will give you energy you’ve never experienced before.  While trying to speed up your metabolism, stay clear of trans- fats, cheap sugars, and excess sodium.  Try limiting yourself to a few treats on the weekends and stick to a healthy diet during the week.  Before you know it you will stop craving those fatty foods that slow down your metabolism and decrease your energy. Do yourself a favor and pack a lunch during the week filled with nutritious foods to snack on throughout the day.  YOU CAN DO THIS!  Here are some items that help speed up your metabolism:          
Natural Yogurt                                                                   
Green Tea
Chicken Breast               
Peanut Butter
 Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Whole Grains
Cayenne Pepper
Dark Chocolate
Baked Potato

  2. BE STRONG!  

The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism.  Muscle is the only thing that speeds up your metabolism so that you are constantly burning calories throughout the day, even while resting.  As we get older we don’t make the time for weight training and are more likely to focus our workouts around cardio.  Resistance training can be done many ways and is incredibly beneficial for all ages; however, vital after age 30 when your metabolic heart rate tends to decrease.  According to numerous fitness studies, increasing your lean muscle mass by as little as 3-5 lbs can have a huge effect on your daily caloric burn by increasing your BMR, or calories you burn while resting.  So, with just 3-5 lbs of added muscle, your BMR will increase to 250-500 calories per day.


Ever notice the guy who runs on the treadmill everyday at the same speed for long periods of time and never seems to lose a pound?  Will someone please tell him that’s the least effective way to burn calories?  A short and intense workout will get you the results you want.  A great way to speed up your metabolism is by adding an incline to your cardio exercise or if you’re on a bike or elliptical, increase that resistance!  Change up your cardio workouts to keep things interesting and don’t be afraid of a challenge.  Renowned trainer, Jackie Warner swears by this cardio interval routine for increasing your metabolic heart rate!
·      Perform four 5-minutes intervals
-          For 2 minutes, walk/lunge at a fast pace, bringing each knee close to the ground and taking deep, wide steps.
-          For the next 2 minutes, jog as fast as you can without stopping.
-          For 1 minute, walk briskly.
-          Repeat this interval 3 more times to equal 20 minutes
·         In week 2, increase your walking and jogging pace as well as your incline.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

7 Healthy Dips for Holiday Parties

Having trouble staying clear of the snack table at those holiday parties?  With these healthy appetizers you won't have to!  Satisfy your guests with these guilt- free, delectable dips!  

Savory Spinach Dip

Red Bean Dip
Savory Yogurt Dip
Lemon, Sesame, and Garlic Hummus
Spicy Blue Cheese Dip
Tomato & Green Olive Salsa
Spinach Artichoke Dip